jueves, 30 de julio de 2015


My number 7th blog is about the place that I would like to visit. This special place for me is France because its culture and history causes me lot of admiration. In this country there are many interesting classical architectures such as the palace of Versalles and its beautiful gardens, the Eiffel tower, the Notre Dame cathedral (gothic church), the Arch of Triumph that  has a small museum inside.

Also in France has lived one of the most important event in the history, which ushered the modern era. This event was the “France Revolution” in which it took place the process of constituent Assembly. This generated the division of state powers.

To conclude this post I want to mention that this one of the most beautiful cultures in Europe, being one of the first countries in the world that included a study of political science, which I think is very interesting.

France is very important for me because I like to study here because  of its influence on public administration and political science.

best regards, I hope to have a good day :D