jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

experience about my blog

Hello classmates my 10th post is about the experiences and learnings that my english blog left to making it every week.

What I think about the general experience is that it has been very interesting because it has help us to learn more about this language, also  have been given to know the different tastes of my classmate. In general it has been a great experience and very innovative .

 My skills of writing to developing this blog have been increased  a lot because we must do weekly a post and comment something to three classmates. I would like to still working in this blog and includes information about animal ,national reality and public administration because they are subjects that  i am interested at and have my attention.

 Also I would like to write about  plans to my future such as my objectives after my carrer of public administration adding how  I will achieve those personal objectives. All this record the objectives that i had when i started my carrer.

 I hope that my post has been interesting and funny for everyone because that was my intention, cause a joy for those who read my blog greetings to all and there will be more post soon.