jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

My favorite tv series :-D

My 9th blog  is about my favorite TV series. My favorite TV series is Breaking Bad, I like it because it's  involves action, suspense and a drastic change in character's behavior, I also like it because it has a very interesting artistic production mixing cultural aspects of  North America and Latin America.

The kind of series that I like most is those ones wich have a great plot development, also that have good action,suspense and good special effects. I also like tv series have actors wich adapted well to their characters.

A serie that I haven't seen full  but I'd like to watch is "the walking dead" because this serie involves a world overrun by zombies and in this serie,the resources become scarce causing conflicts between people of this world overrun by these zombies.

The Breaking Bad is about a chemistry teacher named Walter White which has  lung cancer. This teacher wants to leave his family  insured with money but he does't have the ways to do it. To achieve yhis must have to resort to the manufacture of mathamphetamine with his partner and ex-student Jesse Pinkman.

good bye my friends.

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

Who is a person/expert on your field that you admire? :D

My post number about an expert who I admire.He was a philosopher,economist,jurist,historia,,political scientist and german german sociologist, also considered one of the founders of the modern study of sociology and public administration with strong anti positivist sense.

Max Weber was son of a great lawyer and politican of the national liberal party in the timeof Bismarck.He studied at the universities of Heindelberg,Berlin and Gotinga,apecially interesested in law, history and economics.

In the late of 1880s,Weber deepened its studies of history.He got a doctorate in law in
1889 with a thesis about legal history entiled the history of medieval business

His most important contribution in the public administration was the bureaucratic theory
which represents a paradigm until today,consist in higly hierachical system divided into
various departments in order to achieve the maximun efficiency.

Its`s interesting to talk about this author who gives a great contribution to the structure and functioning of the public administration.Its also admirable the number of activities
the did during his life being interested in different areas of knowledge.